

Car Accident Attorney IllinoisHave you or a loved one been injured in an auto accident? If so, it is in your best interests to speak with a car accident lawyer. Illinois roadways can be dangerous, with over 281,788 crashes reported in the year 2011 alone, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation, resulting in 918 deaths and 84,172 injuries. Injuries sustained during car accidents can take a huge financial toll on an individual and their family, with the cost of serious, incapacitating injuries estimated at about $70,300 per accident victim. Having a car accident attorney in your corner throughout the aftermath of a serious accident can help ensure that you are justly compensated for those costs.

Accident Victims vs. Insurance Companies: The Experience Advantage

If you are like most accident victims, dealing with the aftermath of a car accident is not something you do every day. Unfortunately, that inexperience often gives the insurance company the upper hand when it comes to settling the issue of compensation for the physical and financial injuries that accident victims face. The insurance representatives you will be dealing with after an auto accident have one main goal in mind—walking away from the negotiations with the smallest financial obligation possible for their employer. It is strictly business for these people, and they have lots of experience making the system work to their advantage.

Often, they will deny claims and employ delay tactics, such as burying claimants in unnecessary paperwork and documentation demands to frustrate and intimidate. The goal of these tactics is to drag out the process in an attempt to force the injured party to accept a low-ball offer. Too often, these sorts of tactics are successful, manipulating accident victims into settling for less than they should, leaving them paying out of pocket for expenses for which they were entitled to be compensated.

Car Accident Attorney Illinois: Leveling the Playing Field

However, accident victims can counter the experience advantage that insurance representative’s hold over them by hiring a seasoned car accident lawyer to protect their rights. Getting just compensation for the injuries caused by a serious auto accident and the financial havoc they can cause is a complex process, one that is best handled by a professional who has the same level of experience as those insurance company employees. It is a well-established fact that, when represented by a car accident attorney, Illinois accident victims receive significantly more compensation for their injuries than those who choose to muddle through the claims process on their own.

The cost of hiring an accident lawyer is the most frequent reason given for forgoing representation in auto accident cases. However, in the case of serious injury, this is false economy, since compensation amounts are lower in unrepresented accident victims even once attorney fees are taken into account. With the skilled representation of a car accident attorney, Illinois accident victims can ensure that they are justly compensated for the medical costs, lost wages and countless other expenses that are involved in the aftermath of a serious auto accident.